Study on the Propensity for Renewable Energy: Electric Vehicles in India


  • Dr. Shah Ali Adnan Author
  • Dr. Kumari Soni Author


Renewable Energy, Electric Vehicles, Sustainable Development Goals


India, a nation undergoing rapid development, is presently confronted with a critical juncture in its endeavours to address environmental degradation and satisfy its escalating energy needs. This research extensively examines the evolving patterns of renewable energy adoption within the nation, focusing specifically on the increasing prevalence of electric vehicles (EVs). As the global community confronts the complexities of climate change, India has established itself as a leader in the transition to sustainable energy sources. This research examines the complex interplay between economic, environmental, and social determinants with the aim of identifying the primary motivations underlying the widespread adoption of electric vehicles among the populace of India. Growing demand has been observed for more environmentally friendly modes of conveyance in light of the environmental movement. Consumer perceptions of electric automobiles are significantly impacted by governmental initiatives, including but not limited to regulation reduction, subsidy enhancement, and infrastructural development. The article explores the significance of renewable energy sources, such as solar and wind power, in bolstering the electrification of transportation even further. To optimise the environmental benefits of electric vehicles (EVs), the integration of renewable energy sources into the power grid is deemed essential. The research underscores the significance and feasibility of incorporating renewable energy sources into electric vehicles through the application of experimental trials and case studies. The study emphasises the importance of adopting a holistic perspective when weighing the advantages and disadvantages of electric vehicles and pure energy, so as to encourage the widespread adoption of renewable energy sources. The stakeholders in India, including politicians, corporations, and others, who are at the forefront of sustainable transit initiatives, are currently facing a worsening of the preexisting difficulties. The study provides valuable suggestions for successfully navigating the complex landscape of renewable energy and electric vehicle integration, in accordance with the country's objective of attaining energy self-sufficiency and a more ecologically sustainable future.


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